Breach Of The Standard Of Care


Breach of the Standard of Care

The concept of “standard of care” in the context of medical negligence cases refers to the degree of prudence and caution required of a medical professional who is under a duty of care. This standard is dictated by the level of competency and judgment expected of a professional with similar training and experience. If a medical professional deviates from this standard, resulting in harm to a patient, it may be considered a breach of the standard of care.

Determining the Standard of Care

To establish a breach of the standard of care, it must first be determined what the appropriate standard is. This involves examining the accepted practices of the medical community, often with the help of expert testimony. The standard is not uniform across all cases; it can vary depending on the particular medical condition being treated and the geographical location of the practice.

Examples of Breaches

There are numerous ways in which a medical professional may breach the standard of care. These can include misdiagnosis, surgical errors, and failure to provide appropriate postoperative care. For instance, if a surgeon fails to recognize and promptly treat complications arising from surgery, this could be seen as a breach of care. Similarly, a physician’s failure to properly diagnose a serious condition like cancer, resulting in a delayed treatment, may also be considered a breach.

Legal Implications

When a breach of the standard of care is alleged, it often results in legal action. The injured patient may seek compensation for damages caused by the medical professional’s negligence. In such cases, it’s crucial to consult experienced legal professionals who specialize in medical malpractice. Among many reputed firms, Burgan Lawyers offer comprehensive legal advice and can help navigate the complexities of medical negligence cases.


Breach of the standard of care is a serious issue that can have significant repercussions for both the patient and the medical professional involved. Understanding the intricacies of what constitutes a breach, and the legal pathways available, is essential for anyone affected by such an incident. Expert legal advice is invaluable in these situations, ensuring that the affected parties can achieve just outcomes.